Fire Pumps

The pumps used in fire fighting are designed and selected to meet the pressure and the required flow rate at the previously calculated water outlets by defeating the installation resistances during the fire.

The fire pumps pressurize the sprinkler system, the sprinkler system, the hose installation in the fire cabinets, and the hydrant installations, which we call the fire brigade. Fire pump systems consist of main pumps and jockey pump. Main pumps must be designed as redundant. If a main fire pump is used in the system, there must be a spare pump with the same capacity. In case of more than one pump, a sufficient number of spare pumps are used, provided that at least 50% of the total capacity is backed up. For example, in a system with 2 main 1 backup pumps, each of the pumps can be selected to meet 50% of the system capacity.


Water TankNis 1, 2019

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Boosters are used in buildings, flats, villas, high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings in order to meet the pressurized water demand from mains water or warehouses where mains water pressure is not sufficient.

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PPRC PipesNis 1, 2019

PPRC is the abbreviation of ”polypropylene random copolymer P. It is also known as plastic pipes and parts in the sector.

PVC Joint PipesAra 10, 2018

Duplex waste water pipes and fittings meet your wastewater discharge requirements in your buildings with length options in the range of 50 - 315 mm diameter and 150 - 6000 mm.

PVC PipesAra 4, 2018

PVC pipe can be used safely to remove wastewater from building.

